Meet our Senior Director of Research and Development: JC Chidiac

JC Chidiac Re-Nuble

Meet our Senior Director of Research and Development, JC Chidiac.

What inspired you to want to work with Re-Nuble?
For the past few years, I have been working internationally as a problem solver in the CEA space, and a big part of that work has been preparing stakeholders for a very volatile future. The choices they make have never been more critical and ecological/environmental sustainability has never been more tightly linked to business sustainability. Therefore, my interest in sensible solutions to challenges in high value crop production has been growing exponentially and I consider the most viable solutions to be those that leverage biology for efficiency, efficacy and circularity.

Re-Nuble is a horticultural company with an outstanding set of goals: to reduce waste where possible and use it to create value, to reduce farms’ dependence on unsustainable and harmful consumables, and to support those who conscientiously want to build a better food system that is more people, plant, and planet centric for the sake of improved health and resilience. As such, it is a privilege to work among people who are taking such an active role in shifting the current paradigm in a positive direction.

Do you have a green thumb and how do you practice it?
My definition of a green thumb is caring enough to learn about the plants you want to have in your life, getting to know their needs and preferences and providing them the inputs and environment they require to thrive. I view plants as pets and companions and definitely care about them and for them with not one green thumb but two! *two green thumbs up*

When it comes to food and medicinal crops, I strongly believe that the quality of the products harvested from plants depends on how happy/healthy they are/were while growing, and as such I am always looking for better ways to monitor their condition, deliver their optimal parameters and reduce/eliminate the types of stresses that are counterproductive to vibrant growth.

What does a Sustainable NYC mean to you and how do you envision Re-Nuble fitting into that vision?
Being sustainable means behaving in such a way that you don’t get in your own way long term–it means your actions don’t impede your progress or cause you to become dependent on things you cannot afford to rely on. Therefore, to me a Sustainable NY means that everyone in the state prioritizes making reasonable sacrifices and compromises for the purpose of health and prosperity now and in the future. A big part of this is reducing dependence in all areas and building more sovereignty from food to energy and beyond. The more local resources can be leveraged thoughtfully and preserved intentionally the better, and this attitude will lead not only to an inspiring competitive advantage but also to a cultural shift that will only make it a more attractive place to live for other global citizens who share this passion.

How do you practice aspects of a circular economy/sustainability at home?

The first thing I do is choose the products I purchase consciously, as every dollar spent is a vote for how business should be conducted. I choose food products that are produced in alignment with my values and don’t compromise on health and wellness just to save money. I aim to create as little waste as possible, from choosing products with leaner or recyclable packaging to reusing containers and other materials as many times as possible. I compost all organic waste in my household for use in plant cultivation or feed it to animals so that it can once again be incorporated into nature. All of this takes effort, but it gets easier with practice, and leading by example is surely the most effective way to influence our community in a positive way. The urgency for us all to live consciously and take care of our mother planet is palpable, and the time is now to take control of our own lives and take responsibility for our impact.

Get to know JC more here!